Dota 2 is one of the most popular esports in the entire world. The main highlight of what makes Dota 2 so interesting is the depth and complexity of the game. However, due to how hard it is to learn the game, the MOBA game is not the most popular option for beginners to try out. If you want to try out Dota 2, check out the most uncomplicated heroes you can play to learn the game quickly!
Wraith King
Ostarion, the Wraith King, is best played in the Carry position and is arguably the most accessible hero in the entire game.
Wraithfire Blast is a built-in stun that is fantastic for new players, as using stuns is pretty straightforward. The One True King also has a passive lifesteal in the form of Vampiric Aura, allowing players to sustain themselves and heal up by attacking.
Mortal Strike is another passive ability that lets Wraith King deal critical damage and melt enemy heroes with right clicks. Last, Wraith King’s Reincarnation is a passive ultimate ability that allows him to respawn on the same spot after he dies.
With such easy abilities, players can pour in all their focus on learning the macro side of the game, such as farming and itemization. These abilities are super simple, making Wraith King the most straightforward hero in Dota 2.
The infamous Netherdrake, Viper, is another incredibly easy-to-use hero and is most effective in the Middle lane.

Viper’s Poison Attack allows it to modify its regular attacks by applying poison damage and movement speed slow to enemy heroes. Nethertoxin is the second ability built into this hero, allowing Viper to throw out a toxin that deals area of effect damage, which can be an easy method for new players to farm creeps and kill heroes.
Corrosive Skin is Viper’s next trait, which passively protects Viper against spells by providing magic resistance. Finally, Viper’s ultimate, Viper Strike, is a simple point target spell that slows and damages enemies, preventing them from running away.
With all the spells being absurdly easy to understand, Viper takes the number 2 spot on this list.
Dota 2’s hedgehog, Bristleback, is the perfect hero for beginners who want to stand in the front line and tank lots of damage. As a result, Bristleback is ideal in the Offlane position.

Bristleback only has two active abilities, making him an undemanding hero to learn. Viscous Nasal Goo, his first ability, is a point target spell that reduces enemies’ armor and movement speed. Quill Spray is the primary damage-dealing spell, which involves Bristleback shooting out quills around him. These quills can stack up and deal heavy physical damage to enemy heroes, combined with the armor reduction from his Goo.
Bristleback’s following two abilities are passive. His third ability, Bristleback, allows him to take reduced damage when attacked on his rear and shoots out Quill Sprays to boot! His low cooldown spells work well with his ultimate, Warpath, which increases his damage and movement speed every time Bristleback casts a spell.
Ogre Magi
The two-headed ogre, Ogre Magi, makes it to the list as one of the most uncomplicated support heroes in the entire game. Ogre is quite survivable and tanky, making it easier for beginners to play him without getting punished if out of position.

Magi’s first ability, Fireblast, is a simple point target stun, which is perfect for new players as no complex knowledge is required to use this ability. The spell will stun enemies and deal damage as well. Ogre’s next ability, Ignite, is another point target ability that slowly burns enemies, dealing damage and applying movement speed slows. Ignite is a fantastic spell to help players learn how to trade in lane effectively.
Bloodlust, Ogre’s third ability, is yet another point target spell that buffs teammates with increased movement and attack speed. All you’ll need to know about this spell is to constantly use it on your carries as much as possible! Ogre’s ultimate ability, Multicast, allows him to cast his items and abilities multiple times. Multicast will allow Ogre to apply multiple Fireblasts, Ignites, and Bloodlusts at a percentage-based chance.
In conclusion, Dota 2, being a challenging game, still has straightforward heroes that beginners can use when they first start. However, the skill ceiling on these heroes can still be incredibly high, as map awareness, game sense, map movements, and item decisions will all play a significant part in a player’s success!